In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, leaders face increasing complexity in their decision-making processes. As a board member, CEO, or manager, it is no longer feasible to pre-define the path to strategic goals for direct reports. To effectively lead their teams towards success, leaders must empower and motivate their employees to make good decisions. This article presents Jens Möller’s insightful tips that help leaders navigate these challenges and ensure progress towards their goals.


Tip 1: Identify Significant Stakeholders and Contributors

To kickstart the journey towards a strategic goal, it is crucial for leaders to identify individuals who are significantly and marginally involved in the achievement of the objective. Starting from the top down, leaders should engage with their senior executives to understand their personal beliefs and motivations behind the goal. By asking critical questions and setting clear milestones, leaders can establish a roadmap that guides their team towards success.




Tip 2: Foster Collaboration and Support

In order to support their direct reports in decision-making, leaders must create an environment that encourages collaboration and offers ongoing support. By defining the key challenges and questions at the outset, leaders can empower their team members to seek answers and make informed decisions. It is essential to identify individuals who can challenge and support the managers throughout the process, ensuring that the benefits for each stakeholder are well-considered.



Tip 3: Consider Mediation for Honest Feedback

To ensure open and honest communication, leaders should assess the level of transparency within their teams. If there are concerns about receiving truthful feedback, leaders can engage a mediator who can facilitate constructive discussions and provide unbiased perspectives. The mediator should be briefed on the critical aspects of the goal, enabling them to support the team effectively.



Tip 4: Consistent Follow-up and Evaluation

To maintain momentum and track progress, leaders must establish a system of consistent follow-up and evaluation. This involves allocating sufficient time and resources, either personally or through an internal or external change manager, to support and empower their team members. By observing and measuring milestones, leaders can determine the extent of progress and make informed adjustments. Feedback should be collected from various sources to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the leader’s advancement towards the goal.



Tip 5: Additional Resources and Continuous Learning

Leaders should never stop seeking improvement. It is essential to provide additional resources and references to support ongoing development. This can include recommending relevant books, articles, or tools that offer further insights into effective leadership and decision-making. By nurturing a culture of continuous learning, leaders can stay ahead of challenges and adapt their strategies accordingly.



By embracing these strategies, leaders can empower their teams, foster effective decision-making, and drive progress towards strategic objectives. Remember, achieving success requires ongoing dedication, a commitment to growth, and a willingness to adapt in an ever-changing business landscape.

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